Tuesday, April 10, 2007

So I have a little catching up to do...

Last week was a little hectic with exams, papers, and the sort...but I got some exams back that made my week all better...In my pop. genetics class I got my exam back and got an A on it, same with nutrition but I didn't expect any less in that class... Those A's gave me the confidence that my studying is paying off. Micro has been a little of a downer this semester because my prof is crazy...and by crazy i mean he could be sent to the behavioral institute in Navasota one day and i wouldn't blink an eye...he came to our last exam review drunk- talking about how Sandra Oh (the lady on Grey's Anatomy) used to be one of his TA's at USC then he randomly got some homeade Kim-Chi ( i think that's how you spell it) out and made this girl try it (she was Korean and was arguing with him about how Sandra Oh was Korean and not Chinese)...anyway because of his crazy-ness i haven't done that well in his class (or at least not in comparison to the amount of time i put into it.) But i feel better about it. The application to PA school is coming out soon so its something else to motivate me and remind me that i am doing what i'm supposed to be doing.
Well last week is over and I had a wonderful easter weekend. I got to scrapbook and go shopping with mom and Rach and just relax for the first time in a while. It was a good weekend. Then we came up to College Station for easter service and I really like howthe church did service. It wasn't the typical easter service. It was based on the question,... why are you here? Easter is the number one service that people who don't go to church regularly actually attend, which means it is a wonderful time to witness to them and I think that Butch did a great job. But the question of why are you here wasn't just for those people it was for the people that go regularly too, like me. It can just become habit...or even selfish desires that make us go to church every week. I know I'm guilty of going just because I feel so much better afterwards, but if that is my only reason then I'm going for the wrong reason. It shouldn't be about what I can get from God it should be what I can give to him...and not just on Sundays!
THIS WEEK...well monday at least
This week is going to be a good week. I can get caught up on some reading, get started on the PA school application, and hopefully get close to finished on my project for Dr. Smotherman. Yesterday i got to MIC...yes MIC ladies and gentlemen...i am a full fledged medic-in-charge now yeah! anyway i got to MIC the shak-a-thon event which was cool. I am a freaking white cloud though...nothing ever extreme happens when i'm at an event...which i guess is good but I got no patients what-so-ever which can make it a pretty boring night. Well i think i've caught myself up hopefully i'll be more on top of things and write more often so i don't have to write these novels :)


The Campbell Clan said...

Hey Sarah! Congrats on MIC! Some people are much more able to do that than other. I am not one of them, so thank you for taking care of others. And, your puppy is SO cute!
Sarah Campbell

Brittany said...

Did you know my mother gave JOHN Easter cookies and not us?? What the mug? I was very offended. I'm so excited about you being a MIC! Hey, if you MIC everything, maybe there'll never be another serious injury on campus! You're right about going to church for selfish reasons...Sometimes I start out going for selfish reasons, then I end up being touched by God's grace and love, then you realize that God can even work through our very human emotions to get His work done. What a blessing! And this is the longest comment ever.

Anonymous said...

Good post.