Friday, September 3, 2010

I'm happy to report I'm Salmon-ella free

Hehe- the title's for you dad.

This is my fish.
IT was given to me by a sweet family in Brevig.
Who had an adorable 3 year old little boy.
Who loved trucks.

Back to the fish.
It was a very large fish.
A very large salmon, that is.
Who had really sharp teeth.

And was not cut up by the local butcher.

Oh wait there is no local butcher.

OH crud that means I have to do it.

At 11:00 PM.
Because that's when the family got back from 'camp' and brought it to me at the clinic.
(It was still daylight outside by the way)

So, because I thought it would be funny to look back at. I've chronicled my adventures at "dissecting" and freezing my fish.

So here goes:
Here's the head. and those mean ferociously sharp teeth. I don't like fish heads.
So off they go. after a few hours of hacking at it with an extra dull knife that just so happened to be in the kitchen at the clinic.

 And then the insides come out.
slimy nasty insides.
And since I had to wait to get a sharper knife to actually "fillet:" the slimy fish I don't have any pictures.

In fact I don't even have the fish anymore
Dr. Liu stole it
She took my salmon right out from the freezer and took off with it
It's okay I guess.
I took the Trout that the family gave to Kim.
The trout that Kim offered to Dr Liu, NOT my Salmon.

She's going to be surprised when she opens the bags up and they have my NAME all over them.
( I used the bags I get my Rx in q month.)

I probably got the better end of the deal. the Salmon is kinda butchered..ahem I mean cut in perfect fillets.

the end.

Oh and I wore gloves. medical gloves. fish are slllliiiimmmeeeyyy.
That's why i didn't catch "salmon-ella" ;)

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