Thursday, September 2, 2010

Unalakleet the town- Part II

One of my favorite buildings in town. I reminds me of an old at Churchill downs or something.
very rustic. very quaint. and I have no idea what it actually is or if it's even used.
 This building is on the opposite side of town from the clinic. It is across the street from the AC store (the larger of the two grocery stores in town).

There is one "main" street- or at least it's the main street I take. It goes by the post office, the police station, the coffee house, the AC store and Peace on earth the pizza place is right off of it. It continues  down to the boat ramp which is to the right in the picture of the grocery store.
One thing I learned last can pull a boat with an ATV. I tried to be as discreet as possible, but the picture didn't turn out to great. but if you look closely you can see a boat being pulled right behind the ATV.  CRAZY!!

Another fun little building on the main road is this one:

Tell me I'm not the only one that thinks this looks like a fridge?!

It's outside.??


why the heck does it have a boarded up window??

The last 2 pictures I have from around Unalakleet are of the clouds. It's been drizzly and cloudy since I got here (in fact we had some crazy turbulence flying into town because of all the clouds), and while I would love to see some sun, there are some pretty cool looking clouds.

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