Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Unalakleet the town- Part I

Okay. It's official.

No more denying it...

No more trying to be 'tough'...

It's getting COLD up here.

I'm probably the only person up here that is thinking that, but seriously it's time for this Texan to get the hat and gloves out for any more "outings" I plan on taking outside the warm walls of this clinic.

I knew it had come to that when I got back inside last night and was thankful (for the first time) that my computer has a terriable cooling apparatus because that meant I could use it to warm my hands and feet up.

Don't get me wrong. I am not complaining at all. I LOVE the cool...errr...cold weather, I just need to be a little more prepared for it when I go outside.

But that being said, I walked around the part of town that is closer to the clinic. It was cloudy and I didn't particularly feel like getting soaked again like I did the day before. So below are a few pictures of the area around the clinic. I'll get to the other end of town when it stops raining. It's raining today. just drizzling. but mixed with all the street construction it makes a great muddy mess.

But to the more interesting part. pictures.

The Clinic
he back of the clinc- If you look closely you can see how close the clinic is to the airport- to the L of the street light is an airplane that just landed.

 Tyan would fit in nicely up here. Unlike Brevig, most of the dogs running around town are smaller. This is one that met me outside the clinic and was telling how I was walking all over his road and needed to get off. Very cute...not very threatening though.
Some of the flowers that are right outside the clinic. Anyone know what they are? It's not stinkweed- but i'm learning a lot about stinkweed. It's very popular in native Eskimo medicine. They use it in all forms for all types of conditions. Here's a link that talks a little bit about it.
<-- this is the view down the road from the clinic. There were a few dogs tied up here- like the ones at the beach in brevig. but this one seemed to be the leader. The one thing i've noticed different here in Unalalkeet than in Brevig is the tundra. There are more trees here- wasn't there a line or something that above which no trees grow?? I can't remember but it is very obvious Brevig was above the line and Unk is below the line.
 More pictures of the marsh area at the outskirts of town. The lines that are strung up between the posts are actually where people have their laundry hung. But they have a few birdhouses up that are obviously inhabited. I can't tell by what though. And if you look in the water to the left of the post on the right side there is a duck. If we were in Brevig that would be on someone's table- or at least according to Kim.
More marsh...this is the road that leads out of somewhere I have no idea where. On the other side of the road is a river, I believe it is the same river that runs into the strait. Don't quote me on that though.
What exactly is a slough? That's for all you environ. and wildlife people...aka Rach or Michaela. feel free to let me know.

Some plant that looked really cool- no idea what it is, but i doubt it could survive in Qatar.
More of the "slough" or "river"

Thats about it. Hopefully it'll stop raining so I can get down to The point. Scott said the first day he went down there he saw a whale feeding on a fish. How cool is that?!

ciao ciao

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